The purpose of this weekly blog is to share the stories behind the songs God has written through my life along with the stories of my personal struggles, the storms of my life, the fiery trials I have gone through, the pain and sorrow I have experienced along the way…and how God has used each and every one of those episodes to bring me joy and bring me to a place of hopefulness and purpose in my life. Everyone wants to feel they have a purpose in life. Everyone wants to feel useful and not just a wasted space.

This week’s song is called Use Me and I received it on August 13, 2016 which seems so long ago now, but means even more to me than the day I wrote it. A huge part of the reason it has more significance for me now is because I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in January of 2019 and with that diagnosis, came an extended period of time when I wondered if God was through with me…through with my life. Just being honest here.

After several months of denial and self-pity, I came to the conclusion that I could either see PD from God’s point of view or I could see it from my point of view. I chose to see it from His point of view and found the truth to be very freeing. I stopped denying the diagnosis and decided to use it for the kingdom of God. PD does not have me. I have it, meaning God can use even PD for my good and for His glory. That simple change of perspective nipped self-pity in the bud and allowed me to go from despair to joy almost instantaneously. Another way to see it: if I’m still breathing, God can and will use me for His kingdom…and that does my soul well.

Many times, people feel their sordid pasts makes them unworthy of use. Many times, people believe they have nothing special to offer anyone or that they have no significant talents. Many times, people simply believe the lie of the enemy that constantly berates them, saying, “You’re a nobody! You are a waste of time, energy, and space!” Many times, people feel their hearts or minds have been too broken for God to use. Many times, people feel that because of physical limitations, they have nothing useful to offer the King for use in His kingdom.

We often allow the shame and regret we tend to carry through life keep us from stepping out into service to the King. Some of us have been so burned by the fiery trials of life that we grow weary of the suffering. Some of us have weathered such horrendous storms of life that we dare not risk being hurt all over again.

All of those excuses can be remedied by one statement. God wastes nothing. Not our pain. Not our sorrow. Not even our failures. He is the God Who causes ALL things to work together for our good. The utter, bottom line truth is simple. If you are breathing, you are of use to the King and to the Kingdom! How do I know this? The answer is found in Romans 8:28:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose.Romans 8:28 NASB

When we believe God loves us and wants nothing but what’s best for us in this life, we find it easier to believe we are here on this earth for a reason. I can boil that reason down to a very simple statement. I am here to know Christ and to make Him known to others. If you are a new creation in Christ, that is your destiny and your purpose and should fill your mind with visions of how God can take the fishes and loaves of your lives and spread that little out to many around you.

If you are breathing, God can - and will - use you. Just trust Him. Cease striving to be useful to God and just live your life with Him and for Him and just watch how He uses you and your life for good…regardless of your circumstances.

Dennis Jernigan

To hear The Dennis Jernigan Podcast version of this teaching and to hear the song, Use Me, simply go to

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